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Why do you need an online presence?

Having an online presence for your business is a great way to engage with your current and potential customers. In the last decade, many consumers have become accustomed to finding what they want online, which is why you need be there. An online presence gives your brand a way to communicate with consumers. You can share who you are and what you have to offer that differentiates yourself from the competition.

Your brand is the foundation that gives your work a voice, an identity, value, and awareness among users. For your branding efforts to be successful you need to have a consistent look and feel across your online presence. Use the same logo, banner and profile images along with your brand colors and personality.

If you don’t know where to start, check out this beginner's guide to building your brand.

To learn more, watch a webinar recording where Geoffrey shares tips on the Essentials for Your Online Presence.

There are a lot of things you can do to build a good online presence; here are a couple things to get you started.

Publish a website

Build a website that is visually appealing, easy to use, and most importantly, rich in valuable content. Your website home page should share the most important things you want visitors to know to encourage them to do business with you. Who are you? What do you do or sell? Why should I trust you? How do I contact you? Make sure to include a call-to-action (CTA) with the one thing you want your visitor to do before they leave your site (sign up, buy this, shop now, etc.). Make sure to include the primary way you want customers to contact you and include a few photos of your products or a list of your services.

When it comes to building your website there are many easy-to-use tools, including GoDaddy Website Builder. See get online with Websites + Marketing for guidance on setting up your visual brand, personalizing your home page, and even how to connect your new site to your social media accounts.

Actively engage on social media

Social media is a great way to boost your online presence and it’s a way for you to engage with your consumers outside of your website. Not all social media platforms may be effective for your brand, so establish a social media strategy that benefits your business by determining which platforms your audience uses. Look at the data to see where you are getting the most traction and then concentrate on that platform.

Once you determine which social platforms you want to be on, you should use these channels to keep customers updated on your business and interact with them. Use social media to respond to positive and negative reviews, share user-generated content, or just inspire your customers with daily or weekly content.

Most importantly, be authentic. If your only engagement is to sell your services or products, you won’t have many followers. Be social on social media. Have fun and talk to the people that share your passion and will ultimately buy what you are selling without sounding like a commercial.

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